Grunauer Alexander Adolfovich (on October 4, 1921 in Krasnodar) is a well noted Soviet scientist and expert in the field of problems of regulation of internal combustion engines. An experienced teacher, professor. A Dr.Sci.Tech. (1969). Professor (1972). Chairman of department «Theory of mechanisms and machine» at the Kharkov polytechnical institute (1968—1993). The professor of the same department (1993—1994). During the war he worked as a turner, the serviceman at factories of the tank industry in Stalingrad and Barnaul. He graduated from the Kharkov mechanical-machine-building institute (1948). After the institute he worked as the chief of power station at Vyatsko-Polyansky house-building industrial complex (1948—1950), at the Kharkov autorepair factory (1950—1951). Since 1951 he worked at the Kharkov polytechnical institute as assistant professor (1951—1961), as associate professor (1961—1968), and then as full professor, Chairman of department (1968—1993), emeritus professor of department (1993—1994). Professor Grunauer is actively engaged in scientific work. The main direction of his scientific activity is regulation of internal combustion engines. On the basis of researches he had prepared a course «Automatic control of internal combustion engine». Takes up the problems of working out of analytical methods in the theory of mechanisms and the machine focused on the COMPUTER of various types. He had many time interesting reports at all-Union and international conferences and has published more than 100 scientific works, including four monographies. He supervised over preparation of two doctors and 10 candidates of sciences. He had developed and read lecture courses «Mechanics of robots», «Numerical methods in engineering practice». He had provided read courses with the necessary educational and methodical literature. A lot of attention gives to perfection of a technique of teaching, introduction of new technologies. He was a member of specialised academic councils for defense candidate and theses for a doctor's degree. He worked as the associate editor and the editor of the collection «Theory of mechanisms and machine». Since 1994 professor Grunauer lives in Germany, Kaiserslautern. He is a foreign member of National committee of Ukraine on «Theory of mechanisms and machine» (1994). He is awarded by a medal «For valorous work in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945». Genealogy
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